“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ~ Albert Einstein

So it's now June, and we have been busy over the past couple weekends.  We have made some discoveries, no real big surprises since we bought it, but it will be awhile before it's ready. 

We've started to take the trailer apart, and see what lies ahead, and where to make changes.  We found that it had a leak above the dinette in the front.  The tin was supposed to screwed down to a piece of wood and they missed it completely, so it had exposed holes.  Clearly they tried to do a patch, and it failed.   We are no experts, and are kind of new at this, and learning as we go.  Hopefully we can do it right, and if we make a mistake, we will learn from it, research and ask questions.  Life is more fun when you have something new to learn.

Now back to the work...at the back of the trailer, we discovered when they installed the upper bunks, they put them across the window.  I believe they wanted it to have more head room above, but this change now meant that window could no longer open.  So this was the start of our journey. 

Still a lot of work to do, but I do believe I have my own diamond in the rough.  Here are some before pictures.



